Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Download BBM 2.0 For Android

When the fuel is the most popular messenger application in this universe , do not be surprised if many more android gadget behavior , partly because of this application . this is certainly bring fresh air to the Blackberry , it's just going to bring a negative impact to sales gadgetnya anyway . Recently, there is a new feature of the fuel is fuel and fuel vidio voice for Androi and iOS , although it had already installed complete in BB OS 10 as BBQ10 and BBZ10 . This feature will be there in the version of BBM for android 2.0

Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014


Finally after a month in limbo pending and clear with no BBM For Android then slid well to Playstore (  October 21, 2013 ) . Lots of laughter happy because clarity and patience to wait for the messenger sudah. But nevertheless pays some of us who have not been sampled or have not been installed , it is dikarnakan factor of many things , Let's refer to the following :